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Glasskår is a multidisciplinary piece by Aurora Arnstad, Erlend Gade and Sunniva Kongstein. The arts of photography, textile and dance melts together to create a collective artistic expression. The artists had their first premiere on Scenehuset in July of 2023. Glasskår is a conceptual piece and will have its new premiere in September 2024.

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The audience is brought into a space where the vulnerable seeks to understand and explore itself. A solo dancer, bodies of pale tulle and lacey fabrics, spaces of multitudes and an atypical use of photography shapes the complexity and entanglement of bottled up emotions in the human vessel. 


The uncomfortable aftermath of fractured glass, humming silence and movements of poetry are intertwined into a work open for interpretation and reaction.


Dancer and choreographer:

Aurora Arnstad​



Erlend Gade

Textile and scenography:

Sunniva Kongstein


Aurora Arnstad


Emma-Soife Feen

Funded by: Trafo, Frifond, Dansens Haus, Oslo teatersenter

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